- Definition of Tree: Tree is finite set of nodes with one specially designated node called the root and the remaining nodes are partitioned into n>=0 disjoint sets T1 & Tn which are called the sub-root trees of the root.
- Binary Tree:-
- It's finite set of nodes, with one special node called root and the other nodes are partitioned into two disjoints sets, which are binary tree called its left and right subtree.
- It is a tree where every nodes can have atmost two branches.
- Stritly Binary Tree:-
- Strictly binary tree is a where all no-leaf nodes have two branches.
- A Strictly binary tree may not be full.
- All leaf nodes may not be the same levels.
- Complete Binary Tree(Full Binary Tree):-
- Full binary tree of depth d has 2d-1 nodes, In a full binary tree, all the levels are full and all leaf nodes are the same level.
- Full binary tree is a strictly binary tree.
- All leaf nodes are the same level
- Al-Most Complete Binary Tree:
- Binary tree with d levels is almost complete if level 1 to d-1 are full & last level i.e. level d is partially filled from left to right.
- Nodes in al-most tree correspond to the nodes which are numbred 1 to n in the full binary tree of depth d.
- Skewed Binary Tree:
- Left Skwed Binary Tree:- which is having the nodes only in left subtrees. All the right subtrees remains as NULL.
- Binary Search Tree
- Binary tree in which nodes are arranged according to their values.
- The left node a has value < its parent node and the right node has a value >= its parent node.
- Expression Tree
- Expression tree represents an expression operanads and binary operators.
- The tree strictly binary tree.
- The operators are in the leaf nodes while the operators are in the parent nodes.
- Heap
- Heap is complete binary tree in the parent key is >= the child key. It's called Max Heap.
- Heaps where the parent key is <= the child key are called Min-Heap.
- Heaps are used to repersent priority queues.
* Definitions:
- Null Tree:- A tree with no nodes is Null Tree. It's also called an empty tree.
- Node:- A node of tree is an item of information along with the branches to other nodes. Example: Tree T has 3 nodes.
- Parent Node:- Parent node is node having other nodes connected to it. These node called are Childern Node.
- Root:-Root is the parent of all parent nodes.
- Leaf Node:- It is the treminal node of tree. It does not have any child i.e no nodes connected to it. All other nodes are called non-leaf nodes. or internal nodes.
- Siblings:- Childern of the same parent are called siblings.
- Degree of Node:- The number of subtree of nodes is called its degree. The degree of leaf node is '0'(zero). Example: 'A' having degree 3 then it's have 3 subtree.
- Degree of Tree:- The degree of a tree is the maximum degree of the nodes in the tree.
- Descendents:- The desendents of the node are all those nodes which are reachable from that node.
- Ancestors:- Which are all the nodes along the path from the root to that node.
- Level of Node:- This indicates the position of a node in the hierachy. The level of any node = level of its parent +1. The root considered to be at level '0'(zero).
- Height or Depth of Tree:- The total number of levels in the tree is the height or depth of the tree. The length of longest path from root to any leaf. Maximum height = n. Minimum height = log2n+1.
- Forest:- It is set of n >= 0 disjoint trees i.e. if we remove the root, we get a forest of trees.
//ThE ProFessoR
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