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Representation of Binary Tree

Representation of Binary Tree

  • Types of Representation of Binary Tree
  1. Static Representation of Binary Tree.
  2. Dynamic Representation of Binary Tree.
    Static Representation of Binary Tree.
  1. The element  are stroed in the array level-wise starting from the root. Since a full binary tree with total 'd' levels will have maximum of 2d-1 nodes, we can use an array od size 2d-1 to represrnt the binary tree.

  • This representation allows random access to any node.
  1. The ith node is at location i where (0<=i<n).
  2. Find Parent of Node:- The parent of node is at location (i-1)/2. (i=0 is the root has no parent).
            i=4 (E)                                                                        i=5 (F)
            = (i-1)/2                                                                      = (i-1)/2
            = (4-1)/2                                                                     = (5-1)/2
            = 3/2                                                                           = 4/2
            = 1   i.e  B parent of E.                                               = 2   i.e. C is parent of F.   

      3. Find Left Child:- Left child of a node at position 2i+1. If (2i+1)>=n(n = size array), then 'i ' doesn't  have a left child.
                i=1(B)                                                                    i=5(F)
                = 2i+1                                                                    = 2i+1
                = 2*1+1                                                                 =  2*5+1
                = 2+1                                                                     = 10+1
                = 3 i.e. 'D' is left child of 'B'.                               = 11 i.e.  11>10(size of array)  so 'F' doesn't                                                                                                      have left child.
       4. Find Right Child:- Right child of node i is at position 2i+2. If (2i+2) >=n(n = size array), then 'i'  doesn't have right child.
              i=1(B)                                                                    i=6(G)
              = 2i+2                                                                    = 2i+2
              = 2*1+2                                                                 = 2*6+2
              = 4 i.e. 'E' is right child of B.                               = 14  .e.  14>10(size of array)  so 'G' doesn't                                                                                                      have right child.    
  • Advantages of Static Representation of Binary Tree
  1. This is simple representation of tree.
  2. It gives complete information about the tree.
  3. Any element can be easily located in time. O(1) by calculation.
  4. Memory efficient if the tree is perfect or complete binary tree.
  5. Tree operations such as  search can  be performed efficiently.

  • Disadvantages Static Representation of Binary Tree
  1. Since an array is used, there is alimitation on its size.
  2. Nodes can't be inserted or deleted easily.
  3. If the tree is not full or complete binary tree, a lot of memory will be wasted since many array elements will be vacant.

    Dynamic Representation of Binary Tree.
  1. This linked representation of a tree using the dynamic memory allocation.
  2. The tree is a linked set of noedes.
  3. Each node stores the nodes value element and links to its left and right childern.

  • Node Structure
        typedef struct node
                struct node *left;
                int info;
                struct node *right;

        >>The root is an external pointer to the topmost node in the tree.
            NODE * root;  //declared root

  • Advantages of Dynamic Representation of Binary Tree
  1. Efficient representation of any type of binary tree.
  2. Nodes can be easily inserted and deleted.
  3. Since dynamic memory allocation is used is used, memory is not wasted.
  • Disadvantages Dynamic Representation of Binary Tree
  1. Each node requires additional memory o store pointers.
  2. A node can't be accessed directly. Nodes can be accessed only sequentially using the links stating from the root.
  3. More complex compared to static repersentation.
